
Prometheus is an Open-Source pull-based metrics-based monitoring system written in Go and is licensed under Apache-2. It is part of the Cloud Native Foundation.


Prometheus can be a service that will be run in a pod. It has 4 main components:


Allowing Push

By default Prometheus is pull-based, but in some cases you might need to push metrics instead of pulling them (eg. you have a job that lives for short period). To do that we can use Prometheus Pushgateway, which is a middle man that can be used to push/store metrics and over time prometheus will pull those metrics.


Service discoverability

Prometheus needs to know how to scrape data from services. There are 3 main ways to do that

Editing Prometheus Config

The most simple is to configure it in prometheus kubernetes yaml. To do that just define

	- job_name: 'Linux Server'
	  - targets: ['']

This is quite limiting and requires manual work, so the next two ways are a bit better

Pod Monitor

Pod monitor works for cases were your pods or deployments do not handle traffic from or to other applications running inside/outside your cluster. Its configuration needs a selector to work (like a kubernetes deployment)

kind: PodMonitor
  name: example-app
    team: frontend
      app: example-app
  - port: web

Service Monitor

Allows you to observe a singular service and will hit the endpoint you decided connecting to a specific port in your service:

kind: ServiceMonitor  
  name: default-service-monitor  
  namespace: monitoring  
    - interval: 10s  
      path: /metrics  
      port: metrics  # will connect to this port
      scheme: http  
    any: true  
  sampleLimit: 1000  
      - key: # Will scrape in case this exists
        operator: Exists
apiVersion: v1  
kind: Service  
  labels: my-custom-service  # label definition
  name: my-custom-service  
  namespace: monitoring  
    - name: metrics  # port that matches
      port: 9100  
      protocol: TCP  
      targetPort: 9100  
  selector: my-custom-service


Instrumenting applications

Collecting metrics

Prometheus Data Model

Time Series

Prometheus is build around storing time-series data. Time series data consists of a series of values associated with different points in time. All data in prometheus is stored as time series.

10:00 - 5
10:03 - 9
10:05 - 2
10:10 - 12

Metric and labels

Every metric in Prometheus has a name. This name refers to a system feature that is being measured. eg. node_cpu_seconds_total

But if we query by this metric we will get a lot of information from different applications and services, which in most cases it is not what we want. To solve this we can add labels to the metric which will work as metadata that can be used for us to query more specific data. eg. node_cpu_seconds_total{app="todo", env="production"}

Metric Types

Metric types are different strategies which exporters use to represent data. This is not represented in any special way in prometheus server, but without those strategies the data there would be quite simple.


PrompQL is a language that allow you to query metric data from Prometheus. You can use this query on expression browser, prometheus API and visualization tools like Grafana.



The most basic component to a PrompQL query is a time-series selector. This selector is the metric name, optionally combined with labels and other modifiers.

Simple query - node_cpu_seconds_total
Filtering by label - node_cpu_seconds_total{app="todo", env="production"}

Label Matching

Label filters can have different types of matchers:

Range Vector Selectors

Allow you to select data points in a certain time range.
Eg. I want to get the last 2 min metrics - node_cpu_seconds_total{env="production"}[2m]

Offset modifier

Allow you to say how long time ago you want to fetch this metrics.
Eg. I want to select metrics from one hour ago with a range of 5 min node_cpu_seconds_total[5m] offset 1h


Allow you to perform calculations based on metrics.

Arithmetic Binary Operators

node_cpu_seconds_total * 2 - Multiplies all data by 2

Matching rules

Allow you to combine or compare records from 2 different sets of metrics. By default matches only happen if all labels are the same, but this can be changed by adding the modifiers ignoring(label_list) or on(label_list)

eg. node_cpu_seconds_total + ignoring(env) node_cpu_seconds_total

Comparison Binary Operations

Allow you to filter results if the comparison evaluates to true.

node_cpu_seconds_total == 0

In case you don't wanna filter, but get results you can add the keyword bool. Eg node_cpu_seconds_total == bool 0

Logical/Set Binary Operators

Operators that allow you to combine sets of results based on their labels.

Eg. node_cpu_seconds_total and node_cpu_gues_seconds_total - Return records where the set of labels match to the other set.

Aggregation Operators

Aggregation operators combine multiple values into a single value.

Eg. avg(node_cpu_seconds_total{mode="idle"}) - Gets the average idle time between all cpus


Provide built-in functionality to aid in the process of writing queries.

Recording Rules

Allow you to pre-compute values of expressions and queries and save the results as their own time-series data on a schedule basis.

To configure recording rules you need to add locations on rule_files in prometheus.yml. The file should contain this structure

- name: linux_server
  interval: 15s # How frequent this will be calculated
  - record: linux_server:cpu_usage # name of the new metric
    expr: sum(rate(node_cpu_seconds_total{job="Linux Server"}[5m])) * 100 / 2 # expression



Grafana is an open-source analytics and monitoring tool. It allow you to access prometheus data using queries, display results in multiple ways and can create dashboards.


Alertmangager is an application that runs in a separate process from Prometheus. It is responsible for handling alerts sent to it by clients such as Prometheus.

Alerts are notifications that are triggered by metric data.

Alertmanager does the following:

Prometheus Alert Rules

Alerts rules are configured in Prometheus in the same way as recording rules. An example rules file with an alert would be:

- name: example
  - alert: HighRequestLatency
    expr: job:request_latency_seconds:mean5m{job="myjob"} > 0.5
    for: 10m
      severity: page
      summary: High request latency


Grafana Faro